Monday, 12 January 2009
Some Room for Courage
The wisdom of the world is that we all need huge injections of public money to get the economy moving again. It's the only way. I can certainly see the argument, but when everyone's agreed, you start to get a bit more jaundiced, and one can't help but feel uneasy at the huge sums being so readily promised for so much. Hence, a little relief is certainly due that David Cameron has not committed his party to a watered down fiscal stimulus, but has instead decided to robustly warn of the dangers of debt. The new Tory campaign - "Every child in Britain is born owing £17,000" - should get people to think first, and then possibly to question the wisdom of the world. For the Tories, it may just be worth it. So long as they have a credible economic alternative to show us, of course.
Bush's Last Words
And so he goes out as he governed - warning of the threat of terrorism. "There's still an enemy out there that would like to inflict damage on Americans" warns George W. Bush in his upbeat message to his successor. Almost certainly, but most of them are enemies created by America. Bin Laden, for example, Enemy No. 1, was armed by them and then given his raison d'etre in the US presence in Saudi Arabia. And, of course, Bush has given the Saudi terrorist and his glorious, death loving followers, a wonderful lease of life by creating the torment in Iraq. Terrorism has been the justification of Bush's presidency, and he and the terrorists have thrived off each other. There are plenty of enemies out there, but none as lethal as the one who is just about to departt he White House.
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